I was supposed to go with my cousin and her fiance and kid, but it was raining cats and dogs (no pun intended!) and she opted out. So I dragged Chris with me. Haha. He was not a happy camper about it, but he was a trooper. I really appreciated him going with me. I tried to take some pictures, but it was raining so hard, I was afraid of getting my iPhone wet. So here is what I did take. This is right at the beginning of walking around the track. There were still a lot of people there despite the downpour.
Hank was such a good dog the whole time. He just trotted along. He sniffed some butts and said hello to people and then just walked next to us the whole 2 1/2 miles. Yes, for those of you who aren't familiar with the IMS, it is 2 1/2 miles long with 9 degree banking in the turns. Most of the other dogs were either being pulled in wagons with umbrellas attached or had raincoats on. And by raincoats, I don't mean that they handmade something out of a trash bag. I mean, full on Paddington Bear type raincoats. Some of the little dogs looked cute in them, but seriously, people need to realize that they are still DOGS! Dogs like getting wet and playing in the mud. We just let Hank have free rein of rolling around in the grass and walking on the track. As long as he wasn't bothering anyone else.
Most of you know how my dad is so you can't blame me for my next picture. I had to take a picture of our seats for the Indy 500 and the Brickyard 400 so that he could be reassured that they were doing okay. We'll be sitting in them in less than a month. When I e-mailed him this picture, his biggest concern was how much dog doodoo was on the track. He said if Danica Patrick spins out, he knows who's fault it was.
Poor doggy was too tired!!! We gave him a nice bath when we got home and then curled up in bed ourselves to warm up. Despite the rain, I had a great time and I'm glad I did it. I had been warned of dogs' paws burning on the track on hot days. I'm glad that it was rainy for my first time so that I could get a feel of what the event was like and how Hank is around about 1000 other dogs.
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