Thursday, August 13, 2009

Almost Non-Smoker

So, I've been waiting forever to tell you guys....that after two weeks, I think I can officially call myself an almost non smoker! I don't want to jinx myself, but I've been doing really good. Chris and I both had set a date and told no one that we were going to be quitting. We did not want the pressure of people reminding us of the date or the idea. We just wanted to lay low and do it. So on July 31st, we hit the liquor store and the local CVS. We each got to drink our favorite drink that night and smoke as many cigarettes as we wanted. Saturday morning, when we woke up, we were no longer smokers.

It was pretty easy for me. In fact, I remember calling my dad about 4 days into wondering if there was something wrong with me. Don't get me wrong, there are definitely times that I want a cigarette real bad, but it seems that I am able to push the idea out of my mind and focus on other things. It has helped that I am super busy at work. The busiest I have ever been and I have a couple huge projects that I have been working on. I'm also back taking some classes this fall which should be interesting. I kind of fell off the wagon a little with the amount of guests we had visiting us and trips that we had ourselves, weddings, moving, etc.

So I know there are a bunch of us that have or are trying to quit smoking and I think it's great. I have already noticed some changes in my breathing and my fingertips. I also have noticed that I want to eat better, I feel like actually exercising, and I'm hanging out with people who don't smoke therefore don't really drink as much either.

PS My first Colts game is tomorrow!!!! I'll blog about that later!

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